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Which Massage Should I Choose?

I have a list of 8 options on my treatment list. These are a guide to show the types of massage I offer. But in reality, every massage is tailored to your needs.


So, don't worry if you don't know your Soft Tissue Therapy from your Sports Massage. If you are recovering from injury, in pain, or simply needing to relax, we will discuss your expectations on arrival and create a bespoke treatment just for you.

What to expect at Your Massage Session

I will ask preliminary questions, usually an online form, to determine your overall health and your health and wellness goals. This information will help me structure the session.


Before your massage, I’ll ask you to remove clothing to your level of comfort. I will then leave the room while you undress. Take off only as much as you are comfortable removing.


Lie on the massage table, underneath the provided sheet or towel, which will cover your body except for the part being massaged.


I will check on pressure and comfort throughout your appointment. If you're uncomfortable at any time, please tell me.


After your massage, I will leave the room to allow you to slowly get up and get dressed in privacy.

What is Soft Tissue Therapy?

Soft Tissue Therapy is a type of manual therapy that manages the soft tissues in the body including muscles, ligaments and tendons.


It is more than just a massage. It addresses pain, injury and disfunction from day-to-day problems including back pain, joint pain, trapped nerves and aches from poor posture, to name just a few.


What to expect

Firstly, an assessment will be made by finding out from you how the problem began and how it is affecting you. Then an assessment of your body is made including range of movement. This is done with gentle palpation and taking joints through their range to discover which soft tissues need work.


A plan is worked out and discussed with you before moving on to the treatment.


Soft Tissue Therapy differs from massage as it uses a toolbox of techniques such as Soft Tissue Release (STR), Muscle Energy Techniques (MET), Myofascial Release, as well as Deep Tissue Massage. You may be asked to move an arm or leg while being worked on, or to change position to get the best leverage.


Some of this work crosses over from the work physiotherapists and osteopaths do to relieve pain and improve postural imbalance.

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