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Baby Massage Online Course
Available Now!

Hi, my name is Esther and I’m passionate about teaching parents like you how to get results with baby massage.

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I’m the mother to 3 boys, who were all massaged as they were growing up and I'm convinced that it played an important part in developing their confidence to become the successful young adults they are today.


But it’s not just about bonding and confidence building. I’ve helped countless parents struggling to cope with colic, sleep deprivation, constipation and other baby difficulties.

You look around at other new mums and wonder how they manage to get out the door looking so relaxed and in control, when you can’t remember if you’ve even brushed your hair today.


And it’s a big deal because it can make you feel like you’re not good enough.


I know because I’ve been through it. I had my second son 15 months after my first, and he suffered a lot with colic. Having to deal with the constant crying, as well as a toddler, was so difficult and I became depressed.


Learning to massage them got me through it. Not only did it calm and soothe them, it helped me cope when I was at my lowest by giving me something practical to do. I could have ended up resenting him, but instead our relationship only got stronger.


So, if you want to create a strong bond with your baby that lasts through their childhood, and those difficult teenage years right into adulthood, then my baby massage course is for you.


You will learn how to massage your baby to help them to sleep better; comfort them through baby discomforts such as teething, congestion and constipation; as well as develop their movement and mental ability.


It’s true! Recent research proves that massaging your baby improves their ability to learn.


All this gives your baby a head-start in life, which is what every parent wants for their child. But not every parent knows how precious the gift of massage is.

In my course I will take you through everything you need to know to safely and effectively massage your baby so you will get the maximum benefit.


What you get:
  • 28 videos of friendly step-by-step video instruction
  • Everything you need to know to keep your baby safe and well during massage
  • Routines to help you cope with common discomforts such as colic, colds, constipation and teething
And as an added BONUS, you will get my extra module on Soothing Holds, how and why they work, and which one to use when.
Why do an online course?

1. We all know how difficult is is to get anywhere on time with a baby. With an online course there is no need go through the stress of getting ready to go out.


2. Learn and massage at a time that suits you both.


3. No need to time things so your baby isn't feeding or sleeping during a whole class. You won't miss anything.


4. Start learning straight away. As soon as your purchase is complete you will have full access to the whole course.


5. Complete the course in your own time as quickly or slowly as you like.


6. Go back over the modules as many times as you need.


7. The course can be purchased before your baby is born, so you can be prepared to massage from birth onwards. In-person classes usually begin after your baby is 6 weeks old.


8. Massage along with the videos. No need to remember the sequences.


9. Relax and learn in the comfort of your own home.


10. If your baby has colic or is crying you won't feel bad about disrupting the group.


11. The course is yours to keep so you can use it again and again if you have more babies.


"It is all brilliant! I loved learning how to soothe and calm her when she needs it. Esther is a lovely instructor. Thank you!"


"Theo is so relaxed afterwards and it’s really helped with his colic and wind!"


"Esther easily explains the benefits of each massage technique"


"Would thoroughly recommend! Thank you!"


"Really lovely for bonding and I’m sure it’s helped him sleep through"


"Esther is a brilliant teacher"


"Really useful, thank you!"


"I loved learning the techniques and the science behind it"


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